About Us

About James Bishop Co. and Our Process

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Your Ministry is the Reason 

James Bishop. Co Exists


In 2006, James Bishop discovered his passion for working with ministries through marketing, communications, and fundraising. It quickly became clear that this was his lifelong calling. Over the years, he has gained invaluable experience from collaborating with dozens of organizations, learning how ministries can best communicate and fundraise to further their cause.
A pivotal season in James' journey was his decade-long tenure at Union Gospel Mission in Spokane, WA. As their Digital Marketing Specialist, he was responsible for building and maintaining their website, collecting and analyzing data, and supporting their fundraising strategies. It was here that he was introduced early on to principles that he now uses to train other nonprofits: HubSpot’s Inbound Marketing Methodology and Donald Miller’s StoryBrand.

Inbound Marketing


Inbound Marketing acknowledges that organizational communication has drastically changed in the last few decades. Instead of traditional methods where information was gatekept by sales or development teams, consumers and donors now have the internet at their fingertips. They can research products, services, and organizations independently.
HubSpot’s Inbound Marketing offers a modern solution by building a journey for prospective leads online. It allows those who resonate with an organization’s mission to organically progress from awareness to commitment. By offering information freely, organizations show respect, transparency, and a willingness to engage without resorting to salesy gimmicks.

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While Inbound Marketing focuses on the process, StoryBrand emphasizes the message. It teaches organizations to position their donors or clients as the heroes of the story, with the organization itself as the expert guide. This approach helps donors see themselves as active participants in the journey of positive change.
Implementing StoryBrand honors the generous community that supports the ministry, shifting the focus from self-promotion to empowering others to advance the mission.

How James Bishop Co. is Different.


James Bishop understands the struggle firsthand. He knows the desire and need of great organizations to get their message out, share the impact of their work, and increase funding—often on a shoestring budget with too few people. Through his experience with various agencies and outcomes, James envisioned a company that caters specifically to non-profit ministries and their unique challenges.

Step 1
We know you want to steward your donations well. James Bishop Co. is priced with ministries in mind.
Step 2
You're wearing 5 hats, and your list never gets shorter. We get the work done, and we do it right.
Step 3
We only utilize sustainable solutions to ensure long-lasting success for your organization.

Three Pillars: Audience, Brand & Systems

Play a Crucial Role


Each of these pillars: Knowing who your audience is, Knowing who your organization is visually and verbally, and, having effective and user-friendly technologies and strategies in place, plays a crucial role in ministry communications and fundraising. Ministries know that it’s the long game, not a quick fix, that creates the results needed to expand their cause. Establishing a healthy foundation is key to that endeavor.
Marketing involves more than just these three pillars: social media, email marketing, events, traditional advertising, community outreach, business engagement, and more. But everything a ministry does is greatly impacted by the health of these three pillars. Understanding and implementing these principles can transform the way your ministry communicates and fundraises, setting the stage for sustained growth and impact.

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Join Us Today

At James Bishop Co., we are dedicated to helping your ministry thrive by focusing on the three pillars of Audience, Brand, and Systems. Whether you need to build a robust digital presence, refine your messaging, or create effective donor engagement campaigns, we are here to support you every step of the way.

Let's work together to further the cause that God has called us to. Contact James Bishop Co. today to see how we can help your ministry grow and reach more people for Christ.